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The Word Became Flesh Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom The Resurrection and the Life Covenant Community Psalms: Wonderful Words of Life Isaiah 9:6-7: The Perfect Name Christmas Series Philemon: For Love's Sake - Paul's Appeal to Philemon Colossians - Christ Our Life Genesis 1-3 - The Goodness of God's Design Haggai O Church, Arise Matthew: Joyful & Triumphant Job: Into the Whirlwind Psalms: Refuge & Strength John: Alive Again Easter Series Habakkuk - At Wits' End The Gifts of Christmas The Newborn King Timeless Truths from the Early Church Stand Alone & Holiday Sermons Isaiah 1-12: The LORD Saves, Vol.1 Acts: You Will Be My Witnesses 1 & 2 Peter: Strength for the Struggle 1 Corinthians: The Most Excellent Way 1 John: Walking in the Light 2 Corinthians: Sufficient Grace Mark: Amazed Christian Living: Biblical Theology and Sexuality Caring for the Church of God Church History Colossians: Holding Fast to Christ Christian Living: Desiring God Esther: Strength in the Unseen God. Exodus - that you may know I AM the LORD Family Fitness Bible Conference Genesis: God's Design for Marriage God's Glory In His Church Guest Speakers Haggai Luke: Have Certainty Hebrews - Persevering in the Faith Christian Living: Holiness John: Introducing Jesus James: Live Your Faith John 1: Now in Flesh Appearing Christmas Series John 13-21: Gazing upon Glory Easter Series John 14-16: Stabilizing Truths from the Upper Room Jonah & Nahum Jude Matthew: Kingdom Authority Theology: Knowing God Micah: Long Expected Jesus MARKed For Action: The Gospel of Mark Isaiah 9:1-7 Christmas Series Mining For Gold: Understanding the Genres of Scripture Philippians: The Joy of Knowing Christ Christian Living: The Pilgrim's Progress Proverbs: the Way of the Wise Proverbs: Wisdom of the Heart Psalm 119: A Love for God's Word Psalms: Real Help for Real People Psalms: Pursuing the Heart of God Romans 12-15: Transformed Romans 15-16: Five Marks of Fruitful Churches Romans 15: He Came Down Romans 9-11: Nations United in the Messiah Romans 1:1-17: Eager to Evangelize Romans 6-8: Newness of LIfe Romans 3:21-5:21: Saved by Grace Romans 1:18-3:21: The Reign of Sin Theology: Rooted In the Truth - An Intro to Christian Doctrine Theology: The 1689 London Baptist Confession of the Faith John: The 7 I Am Statements of Christ Theology: The Five Solas of the Reformation Isaiah: The Gospel According to Isaiah Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount Theology: The Truth About Man - The Doctrine of Humanity Titus: Lives Transformed by Grace Zechariah: Prochecies of Messianic Hope

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Showing records 691 through 720.

Known By God

Matthew 7:21-23

Behold The Lamb

John 1:29-34

Biblical Theology, Session 1

by Glen Rudy

Who Are You?

John 1:19-28

Bearing Witness About The Light

John 1:6-8, 15

Colossians Lesson 16 - Fulfill the Ministry

Colossians 4:10-18

Two Divine Mergers

John 1:14-18

Colossians Lesson 15 - Walk in Wisdom

Colossians 4:2-9

Making Room For The Messiah

John 1:6-13

Colossians Lesson 14: Work as Unto the Lord

Colossians 3:18 - 4:1

In this lesson we look at the new nature and the old relationships. We look at the family relationships, the master and servant relationships, and we look at doing our work as unto the Lord.

Soli Deo Gloria, Part 1 - The Attributes of God

Various Scriptures

The Almighty In The Manger

John 1:1-5

Colossians Lesson 13: Put on Love

Colossians 3:12-17

This lesson breaks down into three sections. 1. We discuss Paul's statement that we are "God's chosen." 2. We look at what we are to put on. 3. We look at the foundational principle that should guide us in all of this. Sub topics include, God's love for us, compassion, humility, meekness, and letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly.

Praise the Lord!

Psalm 113

The Inseparable Love of God

Romans 8:35-39

Colossians Lesson 12: Put to Death What is Earthly in You

Colossians 3:5-11

This lesson focuses on two things. First, we look at what is earthly in us. Second, we look at how it is put to death. The first part is an exposition of the passage, and the second part is a short look at some of the thoughts from John Owens book the "Mortification of Sin."

What Shall We Say To These Things?

Romans 8:31-37

Colossians Lesson 11: Set Your Mind on Things Above

Colossians 3:1-4

This lesson starts by exploring what Paul meant when he said, "Set your minds on things above." It then considers three reasons why we should set our minds on things above as revealed in the text. The three reason are: 1. You have been raised in Christ, 2. Your life is hidden in Christ, and 3. Glory will be experienced when Christ returns.

God's Perfect Plan For His People

Romans 8:28-30

Colossians Lesson 10: Self-Made Religion

Colossians 2:20-23

This lesson looks at three things. 1. What are the "elemental spirits of the world?" 2. Self-made religion. 3. Our battle with the flesh. Sub-topics include legalism, denying the body, ritualism, and the sufficiency of Christ.

Here's How the Holy Spirit Helps

Romans 8:26-27

Sola Gratia, Part 3 - All of Grace

Various Texts