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The Word Became Flesh Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom The Resurrection and the Life Covenant Community Psalms: Wonderful Words of Life Isaiah 9:6-7: The Perfect Name Christmas Series Philemon: For Love's Sake - Paul's Appeal to Philemon Colossians - Christ Our Life Genesis 1-3 - The Goodness of God's Design Haggai O Church, Arise Matthew: Joyful & Triumphant Job: Into the Whirlwind Psalms: Refuge & Strength John: Alive Again Easter Series Habakkuk - At Wits' End The Gifts of Christmas The Newborn King Timeless Truths from the Early Church Stand Alone & Holiday Sermons Isaiah 1-12: The LORD Saves, Vol.1 Acts: You Will Be My Witnesses 1 & 2 Peter: Strength for the Struggle 1 Corinthians: The Most Excellent Way 1 John: Walking in the Light 2 Corinthians: Sufficient Grace Mark: Amazed Christian Living: Biblical Theology and Sexuality Caring for the Church of God Church History Colossians: Holding Fast to Christ Christian Living: Desiring God Esther: Strength in the Unseen God. Exodus - that you may know I AM the LORD Family Fitness Bible Conference Genesis: God's Design for Marriage God's Glory In His Church Guest Speakers Haggai Luke: Have Certainty Hebrews - Persevering in the Faith Christian Living: Holiness John: Introducing Jesus James: Live Your Faith John 1: Now in Flesh Appearing Christmas Series John 13-21: Gazing upon Glory Easter Series John 14-16: Stabilizing Truths from the Upper Room Jonah & Nahum Jude Matthew: Kingdom Authority Theology: Knowing God Micah: Long Expected Jesus MARKed For Action: The Gospel of Mark Isaiah 9:1-7 Christmas Series Mining For Gold: Understanding the Genres of Scripture Philippians: The Joy of Knowing Christ Christian Living: The Pilgrim's Progress Proverbs: the Way of the Wise Proverbs: Wisdom of the Heart Psalm 119: A Love for God's Word Psalms: Real Help for Real People Psalms: Pursuing the Heart of God Romans 12-15: Transformed Romans 15-16: Five Marks of Fruitful Churches Romans 15: He Came Down Romans 9-11: Nations United in the Messiah Romans 1:1-17: Eager to Evangelize Romans 6-8: Newness of LIfe Romans 3:21-5:21: Saved by Grace Romans 1:18-3:21: The Reign of Sin Theology: Rooted In the Truth - An Intro to Christian Doctrine Theology: The 1689 London Baptist Confession of the Faith John: The 7 I Am Statements of Christ Theology: The Five Solas of the Reformation Isaiah: The Gospel According to Isaiah Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount Theology: The Truth About Man - The Doctrine of Humanity Titus: Lives Transformed by Grace Zechariah: Prochecies of Messianic Hope

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Showing records 721 through 750.

Colossians Lesson 9: Do Not Be Disqualified

Colossians 2:16-19

This lesson look at how people who deny the sufficiency of Christ will judge true Christians. As sub-categories this lesson covers the three aspects of the Mosaic law, Christian liberty, asceticism, and a few old Baptist taboos.

What Will We Do While We Wait?

Romans 8:23-25

Colossians Lesson 8 - The Triumph of Christ

Colossians 2:10-15

This lesson reminds us that we have everything we need in Christ by following Paul's thought regarding the triumph of Christ in us and outside of us. We examine four things, 1. Christ has filled us, 2. Christ has given us new life, 3. Christ has cancelled our debt, and 4. Christ has disarmed and shamed the enemy.

Creations Eager Longing

Romans 8:18-22

Colossians Lesson 7: Do Not Be Taken Captive

Colossians 2:8-9

This lesson examines three things. 1. What does Paul mean when he says, "do not be taken captive?" 2. What does Paul mean by "philosophy and empty deceit?" 3. It looks at seven questions that get to the heart of any worldview, in order to find out whether it is built on the Rock of Christ Jesus or on sinking sand.

Sola Fide, Part 3 - Sola Fide Defended

Various Texts

Defending Sola Fide by looking at James 2:18-24, Luke 18:18-31 and other texts commonly used by those who disagree with Sola Fide. Do those texts support or oppose justification by faith alone?

The Spirit Filled Child of God

Romans 8:14-17

Be Killing Sin

Romans 8:12-13

Colossians Lesson 6: Rooted and Built Up

Colossians 2:1-7

In this lesson we look at three things. We are told to have full assurance of understanding, we are warned not to be deluded by plausible arguments, and finally, we are encouraged to be rooted and built up in Christ Jesus. Other questions explored are, how do we know if we are knitted together in love, what are some of the plausible arguments used by the world, and what does it mean to think Christianly about everything.

Sola Fide, Part 2 - Sola Fide Demonstrated

Various Texts

Sola Fide demonstrated throughout the Bible, using various texts.

Colossians Lesson 5: Filling Up What is Lacking

Colossians 1:24-29

In this lesson we look at the role that suffering plays in ministry as we unpack Paul's statement, "I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions." We also look at what Paul means by mystery, and by what power it is all accomplished.

Sola Fide, Part 1 - Sola Fide Defined

Various Texts

Introduction to Sola Fide, including history of heresies and discussion of Calvinism and the Baptist Confession of Faith.

The Spirit Who Lives Within You

Romans 8:9-11

Colossians Lesson 4: Continue in the Faith

Colossians 1:21-23

This lessons looks at three primary points, 1. remember who you were, 2. remember what Christ has done for you, and 3. hold fast to the gospel. Other subtopics include biblical reasoning (deductive and inductive), the noetic effects of sin, and the perseverance of the saints.

Two Kinds of People

Romans 8:5-11

Colossians Lesson 2: Qualified in Christ

Colossians 1:9-14

No Condemnation in Christ

Romans 8:1-4

Colossians Lesson 1: The Word of Truth

Colossians 1:1-8

The Law of Sin

Romans 7:14-25

Sin Dwelling Within Me



Romans 4:25

by Glen Rudy

Sin Seizes Its Opportunity

Romans 7:7-13

A New and Fruitful Marriage

Romans 7:1-6

There Is Grain In Egypt

Genesis 42:1-8

by Doug Eaton