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Purpose and Values

Our greatest value is in our church name: Bethel Grace.  

Bethel is a word used through the Old Testament meaning "house of God."  Grace is a word used throughout Scripture and with increased emphasis in the New Testament.  It speaks of God's kindness and forgiveness granted to the undeserving through Christ.  

We want to be a "house of God's grace."  We desire that the presence of the Lord overflow in our worship, fellowship and service.  We want to revel in God's grace to us as we learn to extend that grace to others.

Bethel Grace Baptist Church exists to advance the Kingdom of God by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making Spirit-filled disciples.


As we serve the LORD together, we hold fast to these values of ministry:

1.      A pure, elevated view of God.
          (Isaiah 6:1-13; Jeremiah 9:23-24) 
We worship Him for all of His attributes of greatness and goodness. We desire to understand God in the fullness of His being with no attribute left out, underemphasized, or overemphasized. The more we see God as He is, the more we stand in awe of Him! 

2.      A knowledge of Christ as both humble servant and exalted Lord.
         (Philippians 2:1-11)

As we serve Jesus Christ, we keep in view a complete picture of who He is. We rejoice in Christ as the humble servant who came to die as a substitute for sinners. We stand in awe of Christ as the exalted Lord who will return to this earth to judge the living and the dead and establish His Kingdom.

3.      A commitment to the centrality of Scripture and sound doctrine.
        (II Timothy 1:13-14; 2:15; 3:16-4:5)

Our goal is to remain true to the Word with expository preaching and the proclamation of the Biblical Gospel. It’s through the lens of Scripture that we see God in 20/20 vision. In these pages, God instructs how we may live a life that brings glory to Him and blesses others. So at Bethel Grace, we mine the depths of Scripture in search of its treasures.

4.      A devotion to prayer that leads to intimacy with God and fruitful living.
        (John 15:1-8) 

At Bethel Grace, we understand our need for God’s enabling grace in order to live a Christ-like life.  Spiritual resources are needed to do spiritual work.  Therefore we pray to stay in close communion with God and to keep His resources flowing into our lives.

5.      A sincere tight-knit fellowship with the entire family of believers.
        (Acts 2:42-47)

This is to occur among Christians of all generations, backgrounds, and ethnicities. We believe that God delights in diversity and in unity; He has made us a family in Christ. Therefore, we strive to foster familial intimacy among diverse people as we worship our Father all together as a household in faith. 

6.      A highly involved membership using the Spirit’s gifts for the building up of others.
       (Ephesians 4:11-16)

If we are to do all that we discern God is calling us to do, we cannot maintain the all-too-common 20% of the people do 80% of the work. All Christians are empowered by the Spirit to contribute to the building up of the church. We desire to discover how each person in the family is gifted and equip them for ministry.

7.      A focus on mission-oriented living to spread the Biblical Gospel both here and abroad.
        (II Corinthians 5:11-6:2)

We have all sinned against our creator and are helpless to save ourselves. Amazingly, the God whom we sinned against punished His own Son in our stead to provide a way for our sins to be pardoned and fellowship with Him to be restored. Though we deserve hell, we can be in heaven forever! This is GOOD NEWS! We want to tell everyone about it! 

8.      A compassionate concern for the welfare of all people.
        (James 1:27-2:9)

All are created in God’s image but are fallen in sin. Our desire is to express genuine care and concern to all we encounter, loving as Christ loved. Our aim is to extend His compassion and grace to all who come our way.